Sunday 21 July 2013

Quantum computing

Quantum computer is a device which uses the quantum phenomenon of superpostion for computation purpose.
      In general computer computation is done on two fundamental aspects true or false(zero and one) in general the glowing bulb represents a true(1) and the other one a false(0)
so here the condition may by either true or false oly tow conditions are possible but in case of quantum computer there exist a qbit which can be zero,one or either zero or one at the same time.
which means there a more possible.
If there is a stream of 1's and 0's 101010101110 here each bit can be either zero or one at any instant.
follow the video for further details.. :)
Advantages :
-> more data can be stored
->fast computations
Disadvantages :
->normal programming cannot be applied here
->cant be implemented to all kinds of computing problems

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is the emerging technology which implements reality into the computing by integrating the computer graphics,sound,GPS.
What is it actually???
Imagine your are calorie conscious and wanted to know how many calories does the food which you wanted to eat.
what you do?? just google it.. 
The simplest answer one can ever give, but can you imagine a more simpler answer? just switch on the camera in your smart phone and focus it on the food.
bang..!!!! you see the information on the side,is it not more simpler??
okay..!! another example
you go for abroad tour and a person is talking in the language which u dont know.. what you do??
well directly focus your camera on him  and you see the subtitles.. :D
is'nt that great..?
well this is the augmented reality.. 
there are much more things which you can do with this technology..
The people who are willing to give  seminar on some nice concept can choose it.. all the best.. -nightraiser